Newsletter/Booklets 10th Feb 2019
This iteration of ‘India Update – Part 1 of 2019’ examines the emerging landscape with respect to arbitrations in India and discusses taxation concerns pertaining to fair market value of acquired shares, emerging interplay between IBC and India’s Income Tax Act, as well as increasing scrutiny of related party transactions.
Updated requirements for issue of capital and disclosure are analysed in detail, in addition to the latest press note on e-commerce sector, which has been widely debated in the business media. We also discuss the increasing relevance of Bureau of Indian Standards and certain key aspects of hotel acquisitions in the
We conclude by delving into the risk faced by nominee directors and concerns in the industry with respect to information exchange with competitors, which is looked at critically by the competition regulators
Our continuing endeavour is to present a succinct summary to our readers on topics of relevance to them. We hope you will find this information helpful. For any clarification or further information, please connect with your point of contact at ELP or reach out to us at
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