With a view to giving back to society, Economic Laws Practice (ELP) has undertaken concerted initiatives over the years. The intent to serve, share our happiness and extend our support runs through the very core of the firm. In the words of A.P.J Abdul Kalam, “The essence of a happy life and a peaceful society lies in one sentence – What can I give”?


Solar Microgrid Project in Maligaon Odisha

ELP has signed to a partnership with Gram Vikas – an Indian non-governmental organization based in Odisha – which works towards enabling rural communities to get electricity. Their solar microgrid provides 24×7 electricity to the entire village and benefits will be substantial for the remote village community, which is mainly dependent on small-scale farming, agricultural labour and migration for their incomes.

ELP will fund the maintenance for Gram Vikas’ solar microgrid at Maligaon village (Maligaon is 60 km away from the block headquarters and 15 km away from the nearest market). The Maligaon Micro-Grid has had an immense impact on lives and livelihoods, and is the first and only village micro-grid in India to use lithium-ion battery technology. This also works at multiple levels:

This also works at multiple levels:

  • Life altering impact to the beneficiaries
  • Women empowerment
  • Clean energy
  • Growth of agriculture and commerce

For more information on Gram Vikas and other activities please visit: https://www.gramvikas.org/


The Anchorage provides holistic services to differently-abled adults. It aims to provide these adults with

  • Life altering impact to the beneficiaries
  • Women empowerment
  • Clean energy
  • Growth of agriculture and commerce

A few glimpses of Team ELP with our Anchorage friends…

More details on Anchorage can be found here…


Masoom has been lighting up night schools since 2008 and is a not-for-profit organisation with a passion for establishing quality education in night schools. The organization has offered over 20,000 + youth to better their education. In order to achieve this, Masoom partners with night schools to facilitate the “Night School Transformation Program”(NSTP). The NSTP is specifically tailored to meet the needs of the night school and the individual student. Masoom has several programs which ensure that the Out of school/Dropout students are brought back to mainstream education, build their learning outcomes, make sure they get into higher education or further go for skilling and to get the better paying jobs in organized sectors in order to improve their standard of living.

For more information on Masoom please visit: https://masoomeducation.org/



WSD is a non-profit trust dedicated to helping street dogs. It is recognized by the Animal Welfare Board of India (Ministry of Environment and Forests, Government of India). Since 1989 WSD has been carrying out a mass sterilisation programme for street dogs. It also conducts an on-site first aid and vaccination programme, education and awareness programme and put up abandoned pets and pariahs for adoption.

For more information on WSD please visit: https://masoomeducation.org/

Hemkunt Foundation

Hemkunt Foundation is a non-profit organization fighting inequity, poverty and disease through humanitarian aid, relief in case of disasters, healthcare support, education and access to livelihoods for economically weaker sections of society.

For more information on Hemkunt Foundation please visit:

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