Newsletter/Booklets 27th Apr 2021
The Knowledge Series covers many developments over the recent past which will have an impact on companies doing business in/with India.
Select articles in this series are dedicated to regulatory changes announced in India’s recent Union Budget – our article on India’s tariff policies for instance, examines the Government’s stance on tariffs and customs duties – which may force several companies to revisit their supply chain structures. We have also presented a detailed analysis of two important decisions by the Government – one is on goodwill not being considered as a depreciable asset and second is India expanding its regime of equalization levy to cover ‘e-commerce supply’.
India’s new labour law landscape, its subsequent implications and immediate compliance and action points for businesses is an important chapter in this update. Another chapter is dedicated to the enhanced fiduciary role of trustees of mutual funds as per the Third Schedule of the SEBI MF Regulations. Also discussed in our Knowledge Series are the issues of estate and succession planning (and all the complexities associated with it) and arbitrability of frauds in India.
On the ease of doing business and promoting domestic manufacturing front, we have included two articles. One is on India’s long awaited Defence Acquisition Procedure which will ensure some degree of ease in doing business for an industry that was previously plagued by bureaucracy and red tape. The second article is on the widely discussed and promoted Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme.
We hope you will find the information contained in the subsequent sections to be helpful. For any clarification or further information, please reach out to your point of contact at ELP or any member of our team who has contributed to this iteration of the ‘India Update’.
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