Alerts & Updates 6th Feb 2024
Regulation 16(1)(c) and 17(c) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Alternative Investment Funds) Regulations, 2012 (“AIF Regulations”) states that Category I and Category II Alternative Investment Funds shall not borrow funds directly or indirectly or engage in any leverage except for meeting temporary funding requirements for a) not more than thirty days b) on not more than four occasions in a year and c) not more than ten percent of their investable funds.
On May 31, 2023, in a matter involving India Infrastructure Fund II, Global Infrastructure Partners India Private Limited and IDBI Trusteeship Services Limited (“India Infrastructure Fund II Matter”), SEBI held that Category I and II AIFs should not pledge the securities of portfolio companies to secure any loan availed of by such portfolio companies. SEBI held that doing so would be tantamount to indirect borrowing by the AIF. Further SEBI ruled that the prohibition on Category I and II AIFs taking ‘any leverage’ is not confined to leverage availed of by the Category I and II AIFs itself, but also prohibits Category I and II AIFs from being party to any leverage availed of either by Category I and II AIFs or by any other entity.
The primary reason for the ruling by SEBI was to protect investors. The concern was that if an Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) used its portfolio securities as collateral to secure a loan for its portfolio companies, investors could face a total loss of their equity in these companies should any of them fail to repay their debt. SEBI aimed to mitigate the risk of such potential losses to safeguard the interests of the AIF’s investors.
This ruling by SEBI had resulted in a hue and cry since it has a direct impact on the business model of AIFs investing in infrastructure companies. In the infrastructure sector, it is common for shareholders to pledge their equity stake to secure loans to the infrastructure companies in which they have invested.
Consequently, in response to these concerns, SEBI has issued a consultation paper dated February 2, 2024 (“Consultation Paper”) wherein it has proposed that Category I and II AIFs may create an encumbrance on the equity of an investee company solely for the purpose of securing loans borrowed by the said investee company. This measure would be allowed solely to secure loans taken by investee companies which are engaged in the development, operation, or management of infrastructure projects that fall within sub-sectors are specified in the Harmonised Master List of Infrastructure, published by the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India. Once the abovementioned proposal is implemented, schemes of Category I and II AIFs which have not on-boarded investors should disclose explicitly in their PPMs if the creation of any encumbrance on the equity of investee companies is envisaged as part of their investment strategy. In fact, for schemes of Category I and II AIFs which have not on-boarded investors, SEBI is evaluating whether the AIFs should get 100% consent from their investors or if the consent of 75% (seventy-five percent) of investors by value of their investment in the scheme of the AIF, would be sufficient. In the latter case, the dissenting investors shall be forced to go along with the majority and it would not be necessary for them to be given an exit.
Some of the other terms of SEBI’s proposals in the Consultation Paper are as follows:
The above proposal from SEBI is a welcome development for infrastructure companies. However, the proposals in SEBI’s Consultation Paper have a few shortcomings. Key issues are listed below:
We hope you have found this information useful. For any queries/clarifications please write to us at or write to our authors:
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