Newsletter/Booklets 29th Mar 2023
Economic Laws Practice & Taxsutra are elated to present the 16th Edition of our GST Newsletter which encompasses significant events in the domain of indirect taxation. In the Thought Leadership module, ELP’s Partner Nishant Shah suggests a few strategic thoughts that may be considered as one approaches to have matters listed and argued before Benches of the GSTAT and hopes that various pending issues shall be resolved at the earliest with the constitution of GSTAT.
Niraj Hande, Principal Associate has authored an article ‘The Curious Case of Classification under GST’. The introduction of GST regime has re-ignited the age-old debate of and disputes pertaining to classification of goods and services, and consequently the GST rate applicable thereon have been reincarnated.
In our expert’s section, ELP’s Associate Partner Varun Parmar and Atharva Javalekar interviews Mr. Sumit Mittal – Chief Operating Officer and Director Finance – GreenCell Mobility Private Limited
Key Judicial pronouncements have been covered by Parth Parikh (Associate Partner) & Swati Agrawal (Senior Associate) which focuses on the significant verdicts and rulings of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, High Courts, Authority for Advance Rulings and the Appellate Authorities for Advance Rulings.
The legislative section has been compiled by Sahil Kothari (Principal Associate), Pragya Koolwal (Associate) & Kavin Masalia (CA). Allied laws have been covered by Rushil Shah (Senior Associate), Yash Desai (Senior Associate) & Anushree Kothari (Associate)
The Legal classic section authored by Jitendra Motwani (Partner), Rinkey Jassuja (Associate Partner) focuses on a judgment of erstwhile Indirect Tax regime which acts as a paradigm in the GST regime as well.
Finally, Virangana Wadhawan have contributed to the “Quotable Quotes” section.
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