Newsletter/Booklets 11th Oct 2023
In the month of September 2023, several key changes in respect of the Indirect tax laws through amendments, notifications, circulars etc. have been announced as follows:
-Implementation of various amendments in the GST law in respect of taxation of online gaming and supply of actionable claims from October 01, 2023 and corresponding amendments in the rules as regards valuation, procedure for registration, etc.
-Notification of thirty-one benches of the GST Appellate Tribunal.
-Extension of the last date of project import related exemption under the Customs law for the specified projects.
-Amendments in the Import Tariff under the Customs law for inclusion of actionable claims for betting, casinos, online money gaming, etc.
-Extension of RoDTEP till June 30, 2024.
-Clarifications regarding pre-import condition for AA.
Additionally, several judgments / advance rulings in the matters related to Constitutional validity of the provisions prescribing time limit for availment of credit under the GST law, computation of limitation for refund applications under the GST law, classification of the services of theatrical distribution of films, etc. have been issued.
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