Newsletter/Booklets 27th Mar 2019
Government of India recently released the draft ‘National E-commerce Policy’ on 23rd February 2019, with the stated objectives of regulating e-commerce transactions and cross-border data flows (the draft policy can be accessed on this link). While the policy is indeed a step in the right direction, certain issues require further deliberation, such as:
– Ascertaining the scope of the policy with regard to the type of transactions and data that is sought to be regulated
– Overarching control sought to be exercised over cross-border flow of data
– Mandatory registration and operation
– Stringent IPR requirements
The government has invited comments on the draft policy by 29th March, 2019. To this end, ELP has created a whitepaper (attached along with) analyzing the draft policy from two core perspectives:
(a) potential impact on business from the standpoint of progressive policy building based on multilateral principles and
(b) an examination of the policy through the lens of anti-trust law.
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