Alerts & Updates 7th May 2024
When the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Foreign Institutional Investors) Regulations, 1995 was in vogue, Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) were not allowed to register as Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) or sub – accounts. Further, companies in which NRIs had a majority stake were also not allowed to make investments as an FII. However, funds having NRIs as constituents (investors) were not prohibited from obtaining registration as an FII or as a sub – account. In addition, companies promoted by NRIs were allowed to be registered as non – investing FIIs for managing the funds of other FIIs and sub – accounts.
When the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Foreign Portfolio Investors) Regulations, 2014 (SEBI FPI Regulations) was introduced, the same position continued. NRIs and Overseas Citizens of India (OCIs) were not eligible to be registered as Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI) , though they could be investors in FPIs. Under the SEBI FPI Regulations, entities with a majority stake held by NRIs could register as FPIs, to serve as investment managers for other FPIs. On April 10, 2018, SEBI issued a circular that, inter alia, clarified that Resident Indian individuals (RIIs), NRIs and OCIs cannot be Beneficial Owners of FPIs. It was however also clarified that if an FPI is an investment manager of other FPIs and is a non- investing entity, it may be promoted by NRIs and OCIs.
On September 21, 2018, SEBI issued a circular which set out the following guidelines for NRIs/ OCIs to be constituents of an FPI:
– (i) if the FPI is an ‘offshore fund’ that has received a ‘No Objection Certificate’ from SEBI as per the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Mutual Funds) Regulations, 1996, or (ii) if the FPI is controlled by an investment manager who is owned and/or controlled by NRIs, OCIs, or RIIs if the following conditions are satisfied: such investment manager is appropriately regulated in its home jurisdiction and registered with SEBI as a non-investing FPI, or
– such investment manager is incorporated or setup under the Indian laws and appropriately registered with SEBI.
Vide a consultation paper dated August 25, 2023, the following framework is proposed for channelizing NRI/ OCI investments in the Indian securities markets through the FPI route:
– Such entities are based out of an International Financial Services Centre (IFSC).
– Such entities shall provide to their designated depository participants (DDP), the granular details of all entities holding any ownership, economic interest, or exercising control in the entity in terms of the guidelines and exemptions mentioned in SEBI circular dated August 24, 2023, in case such FPIs fulfil any of the criteria mentioned below:
In keeping with this, at the 205th meeting of the SEBI Board held in Mumbai on April 30, 2024, SEBI’s Board, inter-alia, approved a regulatory framework in terms of which NRIs, OCIs and RIIs can hold 100% of the total contribution in the corpus of an FPI. This permission comes with the following rider.
– The investment vehicle that is registered as an FPI should have a single pool for all its investors. There should be no segregated portfolios and all investors in the fund should have pari-passu and pro-rata rights in the fund;
– The fund should have a minimum of 20 investors with each investor contributing not more than 25% to the corpus of the fund.
– Not more than 20% of the corpus of the fund may be invested in the equity shares of an Indian listed entity;
– The fund should have an independent investment manager and the investors in the fund should not have any say in the investment decisions of the fund; and
– The investment manager of the fund should be an asset management company of a SEBI registered mutual fund which is sponsored by a RBI regulated bank or its IFSC based subsidiary/branch.
On August 24, 2023, SEBI had issued a circular (SEBI Aug Circular) addressed to FPIs which provided that FPIs which meet the criteria mentioned below have to disclose granular details of all entities holding any ownership, economic interest, or exercising control in the FPI:
The abovementioned disclosure has to be made to the respective DDPs, on a full look through basis, up to the level of all natural persons, without any threshold, as per a specified format.
In order to avail of the relaxation given to NRIs/OCIs/RIIs to hold 100% of the total contribution in the corpus of an FPI, disclosure as per the SEBI Aug Circular shall be required if:
The rationale for not permitting NRIs, OCIs and RIIs to invest into Indian markets through FPI entities goes back to the Report of the Joint Committee on Stock market Scam and matters relating thereto (‘JPC Report’) that was presented to Lok Sabha on December 19, 2002, following the stock market scam of 2001. Overseas corporate bodies, OCBs, in which at least 60% stake was held by NRIs or foreigners of Indian origin, had played a major role in the scam. It was felt that due to their close proximity with Indian entities/ promoters of Indian entities, NRIs, OCIs and RIIs could, if permitted, manipulate Indian stock markets. Thereafter, on September 16, 2003, the RBI had also derecognized OCBs in India as an eligible class of investors. Nevertheless, Indian regulators have always been aware that if NRIs, OCIs and RIIs were allowed to invest in FPIs, it would result in increased FDI inflows.
Thus, it is perfectly understandable that NRIs, OCIs and RIIs were allowed to invest in FPIs provided the FPI is set up in an IFSC. Since the IFSCA is a domestic regulator, the KYC and due diligence undertaken by an IFSC Fund Management Entity in onboarding an investor for its fund and identifying and verifying its beneficial owners shall broadly be the same as carried out by Indian intermediaries, as entities from both these jurisdictions are governed by the PMLA and PMLR. Similar to domestic financial institutions, the institutions in IFSC are also required to be registered with the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) and file Suspicious Transaction Reports (STRs). Therefore, compared to other international regulators, IFSC shall have better information sharing mechanism with SEBI and shall be in a better position to oversee structures having predominant NRI/ OCI ownership, with more effective monitoring of the quality of capital flows, in line with the principles prescribed under PMLA/ PMLR and the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999.
The minutes of the 205th meeting of SEBI’s Board held in Mumbai on April 30, 2024, can be found here.
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Paridhi Jain, Associate, Email –
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