Articles 7th Feb 2022
The Budget Proposals announced by the Hon’ble Finance Minister include several amendments proposed in the Customs Act, 1962 (‘Customs Act’), Customs Tariff and various Notifications.
Harsh Shah, Partner and Ruchita Shah, Associate Partner, Economic Laws Practice (ELP) have co-authored an article titled ‘The GST (Googly, Simplification and Tarrifisation) in Customs’ published by Taxsutra. In their article Harsh and Ruchita discuss the key Budget proposals for the Customs law pertaining to Googly, Simplification and Tarrifisation. While the authors welcome the effort to simplify the statute by overthrowing unwanted exemptions and moving to a simpler and comprehensive Customs tariff by tarrifisation, they express discontentment towards the Government’s apparent attempt to bypass the significance of the Supreme Court ruling in Canon India.
Read the article: Click Here
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