Articles 3rd Mar 2022
India has set an ambitious target of manufacturing 5 million tons of green hydrogen by 2030. The launch of the first phase of the Green Hydrogen Policy (Policy) on February 17, 2022 marks an important milestone in India’s renewable energy (RE) journey.
Against this backdrop, Aakanksha Joshi, Partner and Pranaav Gupta, Associate have co-authored an article for ET EnergyWorld, titled ‘India’s regulatory landscape needs to get Green Hydrogen ready’. In their article, Aakanksha and Pranaav discuss that with necessary regulatory amendments, creation of demand by mandating use and resolution of long-standing issues, an ecosystem for deployment and export of green hydrogen can be created. They also point out that since the cost of the RE is one of the key determinants of the price of hydrogen, affordable RE is of prime concern.
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