Newsletter/Booklets 23rd Jul 2023
In this booklet (a series of 3 articles) , we discuss the significance of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) as a global regulator for combating money laundering and terrorist financing.
The booklet focuses on India’s journey to becoming a full-fledged FATF member, highlighting recent amendments made to strengthen its anti-money laundering laws ahead of the FATF Mutual Evaluation. While we have analyzed the importance of FATF and its implications for India during the imminent Mutual Evaluation, we have also assessed India’s readiness for the upcoming on-site assessment in November 2023. Also, analyzed in our book are India’s anti-money laundering regulations, with a focus on Designated Non-Financial Businesses and Professions (DNFBPs), such as bullion and jewelry industry, real estate agents, and cryptocurrency exchanges.
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