Alerts & Updates 28th Sep 2023
Dear Reader,
We are writing to you with an important update regarding mandatory registration requirements applicable to imports of various mandatory products into India.
Background | The Government of India has on September 27, 2023, notified –
Producers of these products will likely have to obtain BIS certification in the future once these orders are notified in the Indian gazette. |
Products concerned | The following QCOs have been notified at the WTO:
The last date to provide comments for all product categories is November 26, 2023. The following new QCOs have been notified at the gazette:
The following QCOs have been extended by the Ministry:
For an updated list of all products under mandatory BIS certification, please click here. |
Next Steps | For Draft QCOs – WTO Members are invited to make comments, if any, within 60 days of issuance of the notification. Concerned manufacturers of the aforementioned products may, therefore, raise their concerns at the WTO level through their respective governments or with the abovementioned authorities within the designated time frame. Please note that the provision for making comments applies only to those Orders that are at the stage of proposal at the WTO and not for Orders that are already notified in the Gazette.
For New and extended QCOs – As per the notifications, producers of these products will now have to secure BIS certification before these orders come into force. Once these orders come into force, both domestic and foreign manufacturers of these products will only be able to export/sell in India with a valid BIS license in place. To obtain such a license, both foreign producers and domestic manufacturers of these products would need to submit an application to the BIS seeking certification. Furthermore, the process of certification will also require physical testing and inspection of the relevant products at the factory premises as well as parallel testing by a BIS-authorized laboratory in India to verify the same. BIS certification is a time-consuming process and therefore it is recommended that interested producers make applications for certification at the earliest in cases wherein Quality Control Orders have been issued and are pending enforcement. |
For any queries or comments on this update, please feel free to contact us at
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