Alerts & Updates 12th Oct 2023

BIS Update: Enforcement of Mandatory Certification for GEO Textile Products


Sanjay Notani Partner | Mumbai
Naghm Ghei Principal Associate | Delhi NCR
Mitul Kaushal Consultant | Delhi NCR

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  • Dear Reader,

    We are writing to you with an important update regarding mandatory registration requirements applicable to imports of various GEO Textile products into India.

    Background The Government of India has on October 10, 2023 issued an extension of the Quality Control Order for GEO Textile products. Producers of this product will now have additional time to mandatorily obtain BIS certification for their products.

    The relevant order is available on the following link: GEO Textiles

    Products concerned The revised date of entry into force of the Quality Control Order for the following GEO textile products has been mentioned below:

    Indian Standard (IS) Goods or article Enforcement date
    1 IS 15351 : 2015 Laminated  High  Density Polyethylene (HDPE)   Woven   Geomembrane   for Water Proof Lining January 1, 2024
    2 IS 15909 : 2020 Poly       Vinyl       Chloride       (PVC) Geomembranes January 1, 2024
    3 IS 16653 : 2017 Needle punched non-woven geobags January 1, 2024
    4 IS 16654: 2017 Polypropylene   Multifilament   woven geobags January 1, 2024
    5 IS 14715 (Part 1):2016 Jute Geotextiles January 1, 2024
    6 IS 14715 (Part 2):2016 Jute Geotextiles January 1, 2024
    7 IS 15869 : 2020 Open Weave Coir Bhoovastra January 1, 2024
    8 IS 16391 : 2015 Geotextiles      used      in      sub-grade separation in pavement structures January 1, 2024
    9 IS 16393 : 2015 Geotextiles      used      in     Subsurface Drainage Application January 1, 2024
    10 IS 16362 : 2020 Geotextiles      used      in      Sub-grade Stabilisation in pavement structures January 1, 2024
    11 IS 16352 : 2020 High   Density   Polyethylene   (HDPE) Geomembranes for lining January 1, 2024
    12 IS 16090:2013 Geotextiles   used   as   protection   (or cushioning) materials January 1, 2024
    13 IS 16392:2015 Geotextiles    for    permanent    erosion control in hard armor systems January 1, 2024
    14 IS 17371:2020 Geogrids for flexible pavements January 1, 2024
    15 IS 17372:2020 Polymeric strip or geostrip used as soil reinforcement in retaining structures January 1, 2024
    16 IS 17373:2020 Geogrids    used    in    reinforced    soil retaining structures January 1, 2024
    17 IS 17374:2020 Reinforced    HDPE    membrane    for effluents    and    chemical    resistance lining January 1, 2024
    18 IS 17483 (Part 1):2020 Geocells January 1, 2024
    19 IS 17483 (Part 2):2020 Geocells January 1, 2024

     For a BIS master database including registration requirements applicable in all sectors, please Click here

    Next Steps As per the notifications, producers of these textile products will now have to secure BIS certification before these Orders come into force. Once these Orders come into force, both domestic and foreign manufacturers of these products will only be able to export/sell in India with a valid BIS license in place.

    To obtain such a license, both foreign producers and domestic manufacturers of these products would need to submit an application to the BIS seeking certification. Furthermore, the process of certification will also require physical testing and inspection of the relevant Textiles at the factory premises as well as parallel testing by a BIS-authorized laboratory in India to verify the same. BIS certification is a time-consuming process and therefore it is recommended that interested producers make applications for certification at the earliest in cases wherein Quality Control Orders have been issued and are pending enforcement.

    For any queries or comments on this update, please feel free to contact us at and for further details on BIS certification please contact

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