Videos 5th Jun 2023

CBAM series – Episode 2 – The EU CBAM regulation- Economic and Policy Considerations for India

In Episode 2 of Economic Laws Practice (ELP)’s CBAM series, The EU CBAM regulation- Economic and Policy Considerations for India, Parthsarathi Jha, Partner, ELP and Dr. Badri Narayanan Gopalakrishnan, PhD, Fellow, NITI Aayog delve into the economic ramifications of the European Union’s implementation of the carbon border adjustment mechanism (CBAM) on India. Their conversation highlights the potential challenges faced by Indian exporters and the impact on the cost competitiveness of their products in the EU market.

Furthermore, Dr. Badri also sheds light on how this development could influence India’s environmental policies and carbon reduction strategies. This engaging video podcast provides a comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between global regulations, trade dynamics, and domestic policymaking, offering valuable insights for economists, policymakers, and stakeholders alike.


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