Articles 12th Apr 2023
The government, on March 31, 2023, came out with Foreign Trade Policy 2023 which seeks to boost the country’s exports to $2 trillion (Rs 164.50 lakh crore) by 2030 by shifting from incentives to remission and entitlement-based regime.
Against this backdrop, Ambarish Sathianathan, Partner, and Divyashree Suri, Associate, Economic Laws Practice (ELP) have co-authored an article titled New Foreign Trade Policy A Tightrope Walk Between Export Targets and WTO Commitments published by BQ Prime.
This article examines the new Foreign Trade Policy 2023 against India’s commitments at the WTO, in particular, under the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures. It maps out the compatibility of some of the old and new policies introduced in the Foreign Trade Policy 2023 and also analyses the potential treatment of such policies in anti-subsidy investigations initiated by other countries.
Read the article here:
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