News & Media 25th Jun 2024
Advertisers are lobbying for extended compliance deadlines on the new self-declaration rules as they find themselves grappling with complexities. While some face glitches caused due to the inability of the portal to handle high submission volumes, others continue submitting dummy entries for testing.
NDTV Profit’s Sesa Sen authors a piece on “Misleading Ads: Ambiguous Self-Declaration Rules Leave Advertisers in Compliance Limbo” with expert comments from our Partner Stella Joseph.
As per the rules of the Bar Council of India, lawyers and law firms are not permitted to solicit work or advertise. By clicking on the "I Agree" button, you acknowledge and confirm that you are seeking information relating to Economic Laws Practice (ELP) of your own accord and there has been no advertisement, personal communication, solicitation, invitation or any other inducement of any sort whatsoever by or on behalf of ELP or any of its members to solicit any work through this website.