Newsletter/Booklets 7th Sep 2018
The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India (“IBBI”) has reiterated the confidentiality obligations of the insolvency professionals vide its circular No. IP(CIRP)/007/2018, dated 23 February 2018 (available here), and has in another circular No. IP(CIRP)/006/2018, dated 23 February 2018 (available here), notified as the designated website for publishing forms under the Code and the regulations therein, and has also provided the manner and the email addresses for sending such forms.
Further, IBBI has also imposed obligations on the interim resolution professional, the resolution professional or the liquidator, to ensure that the forms mailed are complete and accurate, and comply with the provisions of the Code and the regulations made thereunder, and if that is not the case, they shall be liable for consequences for deficiencies in the forms.
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