Alerts & Updates 13th Feb 2023
Recently, the Directorate General of Trade Remedies (DGTR) issued its final findings in two parallel trade remedial investigations recommending anti-dumping duties (on 2nd Feb. 2023) and countervailing duties (on 7th Feb. 2023) on imports of Saturated Fatty Alcohol (SFA) from Indonesia, Malaysia, and Thailand (collectively, the Subject Countries). To ensure that the imported SFA is not subject to a double levy of simultaneous AD and CVD duties to compensate for the same situation of dumping and export subsidization under Section 9B of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975, the DGTR has made certain adjustments to the countervailing (CVD) duties.
ELP’s update provides a detailed “Duty Calculator” which will enable the importers/users to ascertain the final anti-dumping duty and/or countervailing duty payable should the Ministry of Finance accept the DGTR’s recommendation.
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