Newsletter/Booklets 15th Mar 2020
This month’s Energy and Infrastructure Digest has a clear focus on the measures being taken by various government agencies to address the issues arising due to Covid-19, the global pandemic and the lockdown orders issued by the Central and State Governments. As is apparent, the impact of this pandemic and orders will affect almost every facet of life, not the least of which are infrastructure projects, both operational and those under construction. From directions relating to health and safety for ports and ships, to declaration of Covid-19 as ‘force majeure’ by various authorities, this month’s Digest covers numerous notification, which hearteningly show the depth and width of government measures to address these issues. The Digest also covers other issues such as the Supreme Court’s order stating that environmental clearances for projects should be obtained prior and post-facto clearances are invalid as well as the APTEL’s decision relating to rollback of reliefs by the KERC for construction of a project in Karnataka.
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