Alerts & Updates 7th Sep 2018
The April – June 2018 quarter has seen some important events and developments in the Indian competition law space. During this period, the Competition Commission of India awarded a 100% reduction in penalty to an applicant under the Leniency Provisions, for providing complete and vital information for establishing a cartel. The CCI further, in a decision penalizing an entity for non-notification of a combination, held that the assets and turnover relevant for the assessment of a combination notification would be, the assets and turnover as appearing in the books of account of the enterprise, even if they did not accrue or arise in India.
ELP’s Competition Law & Policy Team has put together a summary of key developments across all the enforcement areas under the Competition Act, 2002. We hope you find the attached India – Competition Law & Policy Update – Volume 2 of 2018 informative and useful.
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