Alerts & Updates 18th Jul 2024
Dear Reader,
We are writing to you with an important update regarding compulsory standard mark use requirements applicable to the manufacture and imports of bolts, nuts and fasteners in India.
Background | The Government of India has recently notified a renewed Quality Control Order (QCO) for bolts, nuts and fasteners. This QCO replaces a previous QCO on bolts, nuts and fasteners issued in July 2023 (July 2023 QCO). As per the QCO, compliance with the mandatory use of the Indian Standard Mark, as listed in the QCO would be a pre-requisite for the sale of the covered products in India and the products must be certified by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS).
The relevant order is available here. |
Products concerned | The QCO would apply to products covered by the following Indian Standards:
There is no difference in the coverage of standards in the present QCO vis-à-vis the July, 2023 QCO. For a master list of all products under mandatory BIS certification, please click here. |
Exemptions Provided | Both the July, 2023 QCO and the present QCO exempt certain kinds of covered goods from their ambit, such as those intended for exports, or imported as part of a finished good/sub-assembly/component, or manufactured by certain enterprises. However, unlike the July, 2023 QCO, the present QCO also provides for additional exemptions such as:
Additionally, the present QCO provides an exemption of 3 years to certain categories of covered goods, such as those imported by a manufacturer for incorporation in equipment/product/sub-assemblies/components (i.e. downstream products). Imports for incorporation into downstream products that are meant to be exports receive a blanket exemption for a period of 3 years. Conversely, imports meant for incorporation in the downstream products not meant for export use are exempt only up to certain limits as specified in the QCO. Notably, the above exemptions are available subject to the fulfilment additional requirements. |
Timelines for Implementation | The QCO would come into force in a staggered manner for different types of enterprises:
While the July, 2023 QCO envisioned implementation beginning on July 21, 2024 for enterprises (other than small and micro enterprises), the present QCO has the following timelines for implementation.
Notably, while the July, 2023 QCO provided an additional time for implementation of 9 months to small enterprises and 12 months to micro enterprises, the present QCO provides an additional time of 3 months and 6 months to small and micro enterprises, respectively. |
Next Steps |
Once the QCO comes into force, both domestic and foreign manufacturers of bolts, nuts and fasteners will only be able sell these products in India while mandatorily using the prescribed Standard Mark under a valid license issued by the BIS. To obtain the necessary certification from the BIS, both foreign producers and domestic manufacturers of these bolts, nuts and fasteners would need to submit a formal application to the BIS. Furthermore, the process of certification will also require physical testing and inspection of the relevant product at the factory premises as well as parallel testing by a BIS authorized laboratory in India to verify the same. BIS certification is a time-consuming process and therefore it is recommended that interested producers make applications for certification at the earliest, in order to obtain certification by the date when the QCO comes into force. |
For any queries or comments on this update, please feel free to contact us at
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