Common Pain points

How can foreign parties’ benefit from legal experts with specialized knowledge in niche areas of law for their specific cases?

How can foreign parties’ benefit from legal experts with specialized knowledge in niche areas of law for their specific cases?

What strategies are involved in managing pre-dispute correspondence, early negotiation, and settlement efforts?

What strategies are involved in managing pre-dispute correspondence, early negotiation, and settlement efforts?

How does effective legal counsel facilitate resolution of disputes and settlements through alternative dispute resolution methods like arbitration and mediation?

How does effective legal counsel facilitate resolution of disputes and settlements through alternative dispute resolution methods like arbitration and mediation?

How do we navigate challenges which arise when seeking representation in cross-border arbitrations, whether ad-hoc or administered by arbitral institutes, involving intricate questions of law?

How do we navigate challenges which arise when seeking representation in cross-border arbitrations, whether ad-hoc or administered by arbitral institutes, involving intricate questions of law?

Considering we are primarily based outside India, how do we comply with Indian foreign exchange laws and regulations in view of India’s complex frameworks?

Considering we are primarily based outside India, how do we comply with Indian foreign exchange laws and regulations in view of India's complex frameworks?

What strategies can parties employ to stay updated and adapt their approaches in response to frequent changes in laws and regulations affecting ongoing arbitrations?

What strategies can parties employ to stay updated and adapt their approaches in response to frequent changes in laws and regulations affecting ongoing arbitrations?

What methods can be utilized to enforce arbitral awards and recover awarded amounts, especially in cases where assets are dispersed across different jurisdictions or the award is against a recalcitrant party?

What methods can be utilized to enforce arbitral awards and recover awarded amounts, especially in cases where assets are dispersed across different jurisdictions or the award is against a recalcitrant party?

How can ELP help?

Tailored arbitration practice area – With a specialized focus, we excel in representing clients in arbitration proceedings before arbitral tribunals, both in ad hoc and institutional contexts, on a global scale. We are abreast with legal and statutory developments on the domestic and international front.

Tailored arbitration practice area - With a specialized focus, we excel in representing clients in arbitration proceedings before arbitral tribunals, both in ad hoc and institutional contexts, on a global scale. We are abreast with legal and statutory developments on the domestic and international front.

Review of contractual agreements – We provide expert guidance during negotiation and transaction agreement executions, safeguarding clients from burdensome clauses and ambiguously drafted arbitration terms.

Review of contractual agreements - We provide expert guidance during negotiation and transaction agreement executions, safeguarding clients from burdensome clauses and ambiguously drafted arbitration terms.

Assisting with pre-dispute requirements- We advise and support clients in fulfilling prerequisites such as contractual claim correspondences, variation orders, invoking guarantees, and utilizing exit mechanism clauses in contracts.

Assisting with pre-dispute requirements- We advise and support clients in fulfilling prerequisites such as contractual claim correspondences, variation orders, invoking guarantees, and utilizing exit mechanism clauses in contracts.

Mediation and conciliation representation- We represent clients in mediation and conciliation proceedings before disputes escalate, aiming for swift and amicable resolutions.

Mediation and conciliation representation- We represent clients in mediation and conciliation proceedings before disputes escalate, aiming for swift and amicable resolutions.

Expertise in construction-related disputes- Our dedicated team of lawyers specializes in managing construction disputes, including pre-dispute correspondence and project management, ensuring comprehensive support.

Expertise in construction-related disputes- Our dedicated team of lawyers specializes in managing construction disputes, including pre-dispute correspondence and project management, ensuring comprehensive support.

Cross-border arbitration success and expertise in industry specific disputes- Our track record includes successful representation in cross-border arbitrations and complex disputes involving areas such as foreign exchange laws, cross-border insolvency, maritime laws, and shareholder disputes, showcasing our diverse expertise.

Cross-border arbitration success and expertise in industry specific disputes- Our track record includes successful representation in cross-border arbitrations and complex disputes involving areas such as foreign exchange laws, cross-border insolvency, maritime laws, and shareholder disputes, showcasing our diverse expertise.

We have a robust dispute resolution practice with arbitration and litigation practitioners, across India. We represent clients in court related arbitration proceedings (including court assistance for appointment, challenge proceedings, enforcement proceedings, court assistance in taking evidence) in all jurisdictions across the country.

We have a robust dispute resolution practice with arbitration and litigation practitioners, across India. We represent clients in court related arbitration proceedings (including court assistance for appointment, challenge proceedings, enforcement proceedings, court assistance in taking evidence) in all jurisdictions across the country.

Enforcing arbitral awards can be challenging, leading to prolonged post-arbitration legal battles. Having succeeded in executing domestic and foreign arbitral awards, we are able to assist clients realize their award.

Enforcing arbitral awards can be challenging, leading to prolonged post-arbitration legal battles. Having succeeded in executing domestic and foreign arbitral awards, we are able to assist clients realize their award.

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