Newsletter/Booklets 31st Mar 2019
The past month has witnessed several initiatives by the Government of India to give a fillip to the energy and natural resources sector.
Captive coal mine users are now permitted to sell a certain percentage of the coal mined in their captive mines to third parties. New conditions for setting tariffs have been issued that would bring clarity. Further, the CERC has issued regulations in relation to cross border sale of electricity giving such sales a much needed regulatory framework. Certain decisions have been made by the SECI and the CERC that consider the impact of changes in tax law under the lens of ‘change in law’ provisions of power purchase agreements. We have also covered an order of the National Green Tribunal urging the Government to issue regulations in relation to antimony coated solar modules with the perspective of the protection of the environment.
For each section, we have attempted to provide a supporting commentary to help the reader derive a holistic understanding of the issue at hand.
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