Newsletter/Booklets 1st Apr 2023
India’s new FTP was announced on March 31, 2023
(i) a revised target USD 2 trillion worth of goods and services exports by 2030
(ii) amnesty scheme and continuation for advance authorization and EPCG schemes
(iii) removal of SEIS and a need to identify alternative of services
(iv) promote district export hubs
(v) benefits for settlement of trade in Indian rupees
(vi)introducing merchant trade reforms
(vii) streamlining policy for special chemicals organisms, materials, equipment and technologies (SCOMET) dual goods, technology-led enhanced trade facilitation and promoting the MSME sector.
We at ELP, with this publication, are delighted to bring to you this booklet which dissects key impact points of the new FTP in a clear and easy to read format.
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