Newsletter/Booklets 3rd Mar 2019
This month has witnessed a lot of positive traction for the energy sector. The Ministry of Commerce announced the Draft National Logistics Policy, 2018 with the intent of providing an impetus to trade, increasing transparency and attracting more private investment in the sector. Renewable energy companies have often highlighted the pressing need for a binding framework for the development of offshore wind energy facilities in the country. In cognizance of this requirement, the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) issued the Draft Offshore Wind Energy Lease Rules, 2019. Salient issues of both these policies have been covered in this months’ update.
Additionally, this month witnessed important orders/ recommendations by the CERC & MERC and an important judgement by the Supreme Court in the in the matter of Adani Gas Limited and Another vs. Union of India and Others.
For each section, we have attempted to provide a supporting commentary to help the reader derive a holistic understanding of the issue at hand. We hope you find the content insightful and look forward to your feedback.
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