Newsletter/Booklets 31st Jul 2019
The month of July witnessed significant developments in the infrastructure & energy sectors .
The Union Budget provided a massive boost to infrastructure, through a proposal to spend approximately INR 100 lakh crore in the next 5 years – a clear indication that the government is looking towards this sector to drive economic growth. Another positive step this month was the passing of the much awaited Inter-State River Water Disputes (Amendment) Bill, 2019 by the Lok Sabha on July 31st, 2019. The Department of Heavy Industry issuing an Expression of Interest for the deployment of Electronic Vehicle infrastructure is also another welcome move, reinforcing the government’s focus on EV’s. In another positive move for the sector, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of Adani Power Mundra with regards to terminating its PPA with Gujarat Urja Vikas Nigam. Industry hopes that this ruling could set a precedent for other projects which have failed to prosper owing to insufficient supply of coal.This month however has also had its set of contentious issues – key amongst which include, the decision of the Andhra Pradesh government to review its existing PPAs and the Bombay High Court’s decision on Mumbai’s coastal road. All these issues have been analyzed in detail in this month’s newsletter. For each section, we have attempted to provide a supporting commentary to help the reader derive a holistic understanding of the issue at hand.
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