GST In India The Road Ahead

Jul 29, 2022

“Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by discomforts”. Just like the evolution of GST.

No doubt, businesses and the Government have faced their respective set of challenges to adapt to the GST regime.  Greater compliance, increased transparency and the simplicity of one single tax law balance out the negatives.  Tax never being a dull topic – through this book we have tried to address the most recent and topical tax issues that are currently being faced by businesses in India. This compendium of articles is a response to real time taxation queries of India Inc today.

The book addresses GST related issues including anti – profiteering, incongruities between GST and income tax laws and the need for alignment between GST and customs laws. Current trends such as amnesty laws and the need for a more comprehensive tax regulatory regime for the digital medium have also been covered. Additionally, we have also included topics on the core of the constitutional provisions of GST, the status of advance rulings, GST implications on transactions in securities and the never ending debate on GST credit.

Finally, no book on tax can be complete without addressing the elephant in the room – tax litigation.

To read or download the book  click here